Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Day 4: Namchee Bazaar to Tengboche

Woke up to the sound of no rain on our roof. Opened our window and there were blue skies all around -not a cloud in the sky. We quickly packed our bags, downed a quick breakfast and headed off for our next destination, Tengboche.

The walk was amazing, beautiful valleys... snowy peaks all around us glistening in the morning sun and then suddenly there she was... Mt Everest... "The ugly sister in a room full of beautiful women" as she was once described. The tallest mountain in the world paled before Ama Dablam with her sharp walls and incredible structure. Lhotse was also standing out and looking extremely impressive with her pointy peak. I just had to sit down for a moment... Take it all in. Wow.

Stopped again for a brief moment at a stream to fill our drink bottles before continuing downward. As we walked on the mountains came closer and closer till it almost felt like we could reach out and touch them. The trek led us to Sanasa then on to Phungi Thanga where we stopped for a quick bowl of noodles before the long ascent to Tengboche. We crossed another amazing bridge where we had to wait for yet another set of yaks and then almost immediately the ascent began.

Two solid hours of up hill trekking brought us to the beautiful town of Tengboche with its open green pastures and incredible views. We headed straight to the local monastery (or Goomba) mistaking it for a hotel (to which a little monk kindly explained it wasnt). Tried another place but they were already full and then on our third attempt we got a double room at 200 rupees a night (AUD$2.10). Score!

We dropped our bags in our room and then raced outside as clouds were beginning to set in and we wanted to get some good photos. Headed back to the monastery and got a few snaps of everything around it, took some pics of a yak then headed inside to get some lunch and get warm.

1 comment:

  1. Great photo's, wer'e really enjoying your adventure too!
